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Your first period can arrive at any time and quite unexpectedly too, so it is worth keeping a couple of pads, also known as sanitary towels, in your school or sports bag.

And if you think your period may not be too far away, then like many girls, you may find wearing a liner every day is a good idea, that way if your period does arrive you and your underwear will be protected until you can get to the toilet to swap your liner for a teen pad or tampon.

Lil-lets teens have a super cute starter pack that comes with everything you need for getting a period in school.



Exercise can
your mood


What happens if you haven't got any
sanitary towels or
tampons with me?


  • Ask one of your friends. If it was the other way round, you'd want to help them.
  • Your teacher, school nurse and school secretary are likely to have supplies and they'll be happy to help too.
  • If you need an immediate solution to protecting your underwear, fold some tissue up and place it in your underwear. It's just a temporary fix but it'll work until you find a pad to wear.

How often should
I change my pad or
tampon in school?


A teen pad can be worn for up to 8 hours, but most people change every 3-5 hours, so there is no need to ask to be excused from class, it will be fine to wait until break time.

Tampons, whether they are applicator or non-applicator, can be worn for between 4 - 8 hours. If you need to go to the loo but don't want to remove your tampon, just move the cord to the side to avoid it getting wet.

Extra helpful
period tips for

#help, #periods

  • If you're worried about making a noise when you open the wrapper in the school toilet, it's a relief to know that lots of products, like our Lil-lets teens pads, now come with specially designed quiet wrappers to stop you feeling self-conscious.
  • Don’t be tempted to flush your used pad down the toilet as it might block it. Instead, wrap it up and put it in the specially provided bin inside the toilet cubicle, or if there isn’t one, in the general rubbish bin in the main area of the toilets.
  • Periods are completely natural and there is no need for you to go home if your period starts when you are in school. If you get upset, your teacher may let you call your mum to make you feel better.

Let's Talk about Periods

Tell us your First Period Story


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Very helpful. Thanks soo much !!!

?? ?? ??

Hey yall ! So basically in school my teachers gave us a little period kit to keep in our bags . This was in year 7 ( 6th grade ) and my school is lazy as hell so I was surprised that they went to the extent to give us an actual kit. Yall nearly all school give their girl a kit so yall if your school gives you a kit , Keep em in your bag at all times! I already had pads at the time bc I already had my period but summa u might not . Or maybe your friend doesn’t have any pads. Even if u ain’t in your period I advise to still keep pads on ya, it could be someone else that needs them! Ye so that’s all!!!!!! I’m out 🫡

To :Hi

If you don't feel comfortable telling them you don't have to but if you feel you need to tell them slip them a note. Or NO SHAME IN TELLING honestly telling a teacher that you have your period is not a big deal. Most teachers have significant others who have periods or have one themselves along with kids. Another option is to say you have a stomach ache or make a reason to go ask for headache medication. I get it periods are not the most comfortable time of the month. I hope this helped. Go for it and remember no one has to know If you need your friends help me and my friends have a code we send out to each other that means go to the bathroom I need help. Good luck:)


this was so helpful thanks


I worried about this too swiftyforlife then my mum got me some liners from teens and I wear them every day so I don't have to worry about everyone seeing blood.


what if i leak on a seat?


Any advice for when ur teacher asks if ur ok but u don’t want to say ur on ur period bc that’s what happened to me in school and it was so awkward


If you have a question about periods, changes to your body or how you're feeling and can’t find the answer on here, ask Vicki for some advice. Just type in your question and press submit.


If Vicki can help you, she'll post an answer in the ‘Your questions answered’ page, so don't forget to keep checking it
(and the best thing is nobody will ever know it was you that asked!)